Protection from viruses and health problems:
A poor diet, lack of exercise, and negative thinking lead to being prone to health problems and catch a virus easier.
A rich diet full of antioxidants, most fruit and vegetables, will help you to be protected from environmental factors. Antioxidants are vitamin A (carrots, peppers, sweet potatoes…), C (mangoes, oranges, berries, lemons, greens…) E (avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil), D (sunshine), (find more information on Food for Happiness).
Foods that damage your cells with oxidation are alcohol, refined carbs, red meat (as a vegan I can say all kinds of meat but it’s best for you to test it yourself) and sugar.
If you eat healthy foods and just that, it’s going to help but it is not all.
Exercise helps, when is done correctly according to your body, and taking the time you need to rest. Avoiding extremes, stress creates oxidative damage. Sometimes you require a push but this doesn’t mean to go against you, but instead to allow yourself flow.
Healthy mind in a healthy body also works vice-versa. A healthy attitude helps a lot, creating protection by using awareness and love.
Oxidative stress can cause inflammation, which is your body natural response to defend itself, by fighting any kind of infection, illness and injury.
Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body.
Free radicals are unstable molecules figuring out a way to pair themselves with other atoms in your body to get electrons. They create problems leading to illness and deterioration. They are acting the same way as human behavior, guess how… Trying to get energy from others, being unstable and unsustainable, negative influences between people, this leads to problems as well. A lack of love from an instance, for example.
Protection from negative energies:
Taking vitamins and all of the above will protect you from negative radicals, but what about the radicals that are in your mind affecting your mood and your life?
This enemy is showing you the most obvious thing:
What goes inside you.
There is more that you need.
Your need to be met: to be your true self.
Use your self to protect.
Your heart is reaching your creation.
Create protection.
Connect with love.