You see a threatening situation, someone doesn’t show you what you think should be the best for you and you blame this person, feeling like a victim.
There is a message for you: you must have protection.
Protection… how?
Protection from your mind.
The message came from your happiness.

Your mind is a tool that if misunderstood can create trouble and the consequences can affect you and others too.

How can you understand your mind?

You think that you do, that’s why you believe what your mind says. But the truth is that it is full of lies. Those lies are limited beliefs from your non-understood experiences, those experiences where you didn’t see the full picture.

To see the full picture requires an open mind. To open your mind requires having the ability to understand others as if they were you, without judging them. This is love. Loving everyone the same and exactly as if they are you.

To love everyone, you must have that big love inside. And your body is too small compared to the size of the whole of humanity.

It’s difficult to be quantified in terms of size because love is not a body or somebody. Love is the net that connects, that thing putting people together and circumstances in order to understand. This net simplifies, unifies all in one. What happened to you now is seen as what happened to everyone, but from many different points of views.

Your mind gets bigger, more conscious and aware of its own creation. Those lies were a product of a lack of perspective and the limitation of experiencing oneself as a tiny. But you are bigger than what you think you are. Your mind is as big as you choose to believe. Your heart expands while your mind does. You feel aligned in your path and everything that you see is part of it, no exclusion but integration. We are all one.

How can you educate your mind to be your best friend?

Your thoughts place you as the victim, they are part of the illusion of being small. You are as big as you want to be, as your mind can expand and your heart can reach. Loving more is an exercise to educate your mind, as simple as this, you are love within. And you see love in your mind, that’s it. Living like you are held by a bigger love, as big as you can think, and feel, because everything is aligned to live your truth no matter whatever else and others do.


By Raquel
Galactic Rhythm

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